-Barrel race is a timed event, using brightly colored 55 gallon steel drums, with both ends of the barrel enclosed.
-No rubber or plastic barrels or barrel pads used.
-One horse in the arena during the barrel race without exception.
-Starting gate or gates will remain the same throughout the entire futurity go-rounds.
-The start and finish line and the position of the barrels must be permanently marked for the entire futurity go-rounds.
-It is the contestant’s responsibility to ensure that the correct number is visibly displayed on the left side of the saddle pad for the horse competing, this includes exhibitions. If the horse competing has the wrong number on it, it is a “no time" for that run. If the contestant fails to compete on the correct horse but has the correct number called by the announcer for that draw, it is a “no time” for that run. Contestant will still be eligible for remaining round of competition.
-The horse must enter the arena in forward motion and continue in forward motion. He may be required to run in and out of the arena only when an acceptable centrally located gate or gates safely permits. Horse cannot make a circle in the arena prior to the timer.
-A contestant cannot train or circle during competition. No more than one circle on each barrel while competing.
-No stopping or whipping a horse in the alley upon completion of the run. The alley belongs to the next contestant.
-Any time contestant crosses the starting line, time will begin.
-Contestant will be assessed a five second penalty for knocking over a barrel. Touching a barrel is permitted.
-Should barrel be knocked over and it sets up on opposite end, the five second penalty will be assessed.
-During competition if barrel is moved off marker, judge must oversee re-setting downed barrel correctly.
-Assistance in the alley way is allowed (horseback or on foot), but contestant & assistant assume all risk and liability.
-Must be the same rider in both rounds of event. Medical emergency will be taken into consideration with Doctor's affidavit.
-Reruns shall be given if a timer fails to work or if barrels are not placed properly on markers. No penalties will carry over to rerun. Contestant shall be given the choice to rerun immediately or at the end of the class.
Contestants will receive a no time within the round for the following reasons:
· Failure to be ready to compete when your name is called. Announcer will call your name 3 times and if you do not present yourself to compete you will receive a no time.
· Horse refusing to gate. If your horse refuses to enter the alleyway to compete, the alley judge will say ’60 second warning’ and the announcer will announce ’60 second warning’. If the 60 second time limit elapses before your horse attempts to begin the run, it will result in a no time.
· Off pattern. If you do not complete the pattern or go off pattern, it is a no time.
· Running in a different order than what you have drawn will result in a no time.
· Running with incorrect pad number will result in a no time.
· Failure to compete on the correct horse. If you have correct draw pad # on but are riding the wrong horse according to official draw and you run, it is a not time.
There is zero tolerance for mistreatment of horses at any point during the event, this includes, but not limited to, stall area, warm up arena, holding pen & main arena. Mistreatment includes, but not limited to, excessive jerking, spurring, whipping, slapping, abuse with any device, or any other act intended to cause trauma or injury to horse. Contestant will be disqualified.
Misconduct or abusive comments spoken to any contestant, spectator, staff member or volunteer will result in immediate contestant disqualification and no refund of any fees. Contestants are also responsible for traveling companions and family members.
$500 Futurity Entry fee - due by Sept 1
$500 Derby Entry fee - due by Sept 1
all fees double after that up until late entry deadline
All applicable fees must be paid in full in order to run at the Young Guns League Barrel Race. If you have a paid entry and choose to sell said horse before the race, the entry can be transferred to a new eligible owner for a $75 change fee. In the event of the death of a paid entry, the owner will be allowed to substitute another NOMINATED eligible horse in its place for a $75 change fee. There will be no refunds. Payments can be made by check or credit card.
A 4% Convenience Fee will be charged to all credit card transactions.
$50 fee for Returned Checks or Declined Credit Cards.
All decisions made by the Pink Buckle are final – we reserve the right to refuse entry to any horse or individual. Any rules herewith can be changed, added to, or denied at the discretion of Pink Buckle LLC. Pink Buckle LLC will have the final word in interpreting or supplementing the rules and conditions of race if the need arises