Introducing Young Guns League!
Stallions in a league of their own...
To encourage growth and genetic diversity within the barrel racing industry through the promotion of young stallions’ progeny. Cultivate a proving ground for young stallions’ progeny that allows them to compete on a national platform and amass earnings without having to compete against established stallions’ progeny.
Young Gun Stallions can only be enrolled for a limited timeframe. A stallion is eligible for enrollment until his oldest foal crop turns 8 years old. After the stallion’s first foal crop has reached 8 years old, he can no longer be considered a ‘Young Guns’ stallion. Thus, ‘aging out’ of the program.
The competition is limited to Futurity and Derby aged offspring. Young Guns stallions’ offspring compete against other Young Guns stallions’ offspring only.
Double Down
Double your earnings at open race!
Double Down program is a way for Pink Buckle, Ruby Buckle and Young Guns nominated horses to win money regionally in Open 4D races.
Go to or to enter the Double Down races.
Pay entry fee (will match the race entry fee).
Compete in the race and place in the money.
Whatever you win, we will match!